Monday, August 31, 2009

Pictures :)

Here are some random pictures of Schaefer from his first week home! He is such a good baby :)
Collin is a good daddy! He always changes the baby and doesn't complain :)

Angel loves baby Schaefer! She likes to sit with you while you hold her... jealous??

Schaefer LOVES to swing in his swing and sit in his bouncy seat.

Bath time/changing is a fun adventure right now... he isn't too happy with it!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bringing Schaefer home...

So the safest drive I have ever had in my life was when we brought Schaefer home. It was a relief to finally leave the hospital and begin our life with our little guy. Lucky for us he slept the whole way home. I was a little worried though because his neck kept flopping around, so I had to hold it still :)

We made it home safe and sound!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Birth Story....

Sunday Night at about 7:45 Collin and I went to the hospital to begin getting induced. They gave me some pain medicine that night so that way I could get a good nights rest before 'the BIG day'.

Collin decided that he would show me how I was going to have to push....

Then later he got bored and decided to play with the birthing ball.... he said it looked like fun!

The next day, Monday, August 24, 2009 they began the pitocin drip. A few hours later my contractions got really bad. I was only in pain for 15 minutest though because as soon as my contractions started my mid-wife called in the epidural guys and it was all better. We began pushing at around 4:00pm and little Schaefer was born at 4:46pm.

8 lbs. 2 oz. and 22 in. long

We love him very very much! He is a sweet baby. Everything went so well we couldn't be more thankful!

Friday, August 28, 2009

A big day for a little dude!

Schaefer has been AWESOME! He only wakes up 2 times during the night to feed and its not even with a cry. It is just some cooing and sucking sounds. After he eats and we change his diaper he goes back to sleep. We couldn't have asked for a better baby.

He also has the CUTEST personality already. He makes little facial expressions that just make you laugh! Yesterday, he stared up at Collin with the BIGGEST smile ever... you should see his little dimples!

Today was a big day for little Schaefer he got circumsized. He was a very VERY good boy for the doctor and didn't cry when they snipped him. He was a little shook up when they returned him to me... actually heard him cry cry for the first time....but overall he was awesome!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Schaefer arrived Monday, August 24, 2009 at 4:46pm. He was 8 pounds 2 ounces and 22 inches long! I will post more when I get a chance but I wanted to get something up for all of his followers :)


Friday, August 21, 2009

Overdue and bored...

So Collin and I have been a little bored waiting for Schaefer to come. Collin has decided that I have something else in my belly and not a baby. We really have nothing interesting to post so we decided to do a little photo-shoot! Hope you all enjoy :)


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ok so Schaefer got an eviction notice!!

Today we officially had our last ultrasound and prenatal doctor's appointment! WOO HOO!! The ultrasound was great as always. His fluid levels were nice and high, he moves A TON, he breathes, and he sticks his tongue out... A LOT! Our doctor told him that he has until SUNDAY NIGHT AT 8 PM to move out or they are going to just go ahead and force him out (evict him).

**In other words, if Schaefer doesn't come by 8 pm Sunday night then I am going to have to be induced.... so one way or another by MONDAY/TUESDAY (depending on how long it takes) there will be a new little baby! Exciting.... and scary!

Collin said we couldn't have planned this any better. Only we would have a child on the FIRST day back at school when the scooter shop is the busiest :) Oh well.... it can't all be perfect! We will try and keep everyone as updated as we can but for now we are just taking it one day at a time until Sunday night!

Monday, August 17, 2009

"just keep swimming... "

NO SCHAEFER= FRUSTRATION.... across the family!

This little boy is a very laid back baby because he is in NO rush to come out and meet everyone. Everyone always calls me thinking I forgot to inform them of his arrival when really... he just hasn't arrived!!

This weekend Tara tried her best to convince him to come out... I don't think it is working. He is just too happy where he is! We try to walk all of the time... 3 miles the other night and he is still hangin in there. I feel like that fish DORY in Finding Nemo--- 'just keep swimming, just keep swimming, what do we do we swim....'

Well, today I have another ultrasound to make sure his fluid levels aren't too low. Maybe I will get some promising news?? I will let you guys know... until then I guess we have to just be patient, he will come out sooner or later. He can't just grow up in my belly.... I don't think??

Friday, August 14, 2009

Doctor's Appointment... THEY NEVER END!!

Today was a fun day, went and got a pedicure with Tara- painted them BLUE for a boy :) (she claims they help... we will see) Then we went and got lunch... nothing spicy though. Then we had our 40 weeks sonogram/doctor's appointment. And later, we are having a lovely dinner with Brad, Tara and Austin! All in all it was a fun day :)

All is well with our little Schaefer. The sonogram was weird because you really can't see much
. He is so big and in such a crammed space it is hard to make out what is what on his little body. However, we were able to see him make a sucking motion with his mouth and stick out his tongue.. I think he even sucked his thumb! He is currently estimated at about 7lbs. 9oz. That would be perfect if you ask me!!

Here are some pictures (very hard to tell what is what):

The doctor said that all is good with him the only thing they want to watch is the fluid levels because they are a little low. If they get to a dangerous level then we will have to be induced. Needless to say, I have to go back for ANOTHER sonogram on Monday and then ANOTHER one on Thursday. I guess from here on out they will watch him every 2 days. Better safe than sorry! GOOD NEWS: She said that he has dropped more :) Thank goodness!

Could be one of the LAST belly shots :) 40 weeks!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Ok, so I know Schaefer isn't coming BUT today is supposed to be the big day! That is kind of exciting. Collin and I can't believe that 40 weeks have gone by... it went fast!

8 weeks--------->40 weeks
34 pounds later :)

We are all ready. Now we just have to wait for Schaefer to finish cooking and be ready to come out and play. He was VERY active last night... pushing out everywhere. My tummy was going crazy. Collin tried to record it but he would stop everytime the camera was on him... lol he gets his camera shyness from me :) Well, we get to have an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon so hopefully we will find out some good information. I will let you know how it goes! For now we will just continue the on going waiting game.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

40 weeks pregnant....and bored!

Ok, so I finally finished updating this blogging site. I think that it will be a lot better for keeping Schaefer's life up to date with the family. I have been chilling at home lately with not much to do because Schaefer is just hanging around... I've been bored!

For fun... here are some photos I took just playing around with my camera!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Ok so had a Doctor's appointment today (8/10/09) and come to find out Schaefer hasn't dropped yet! That basically means that he isn't ready to go anywhere. He is happy just chillin... wouldn't you-- always getting carried, nice waterbed, warm, snuggly, good food-- that is the life!

So now since our due date is Thursday my Dr. scheduled an appointment for Friday to have an ultrasound. We are going to get to see him and see approx. how big he is. If he is too big then they will have to induce me and if he is doing well then they will let him wait until 41 wks. 5 days. BUT-- by August 25 there will DEFINITELY be a baby. That is what my Dr. promised! LOL lets hope its a bit sooner :)

I will let you guys know how the U/S goes and what the status is. But right now you might as well all relax because he isn't ready to come meet everyone just yet :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Mom's Photo Shoot (I taught her well)

Here are some of the Maternity photos that mom and I took! Enjoy :)

and then we found this.... JUST IN CASE WE NEEDED IT!!!